EventsInstallation of the Tescan MIRA3-EDS Microscope by Varjú Patrícia 2018-08-07 written by Varjú Patrícia 2018-08-07 335Wigner Institute, Budapest, 6th of August, 2018. 0 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail Varjú Patrícia previous post XXVIIth congress of the Hungarian Endocrinology and Metabolism Society next post XXVIII. Hőkezelő és Anyagtudomány a Gépgyártásban Országos Konferencia Related Articles Imagescience at the 31st National Conference on Heat... 2024-11-06 Insights from the MAJOSZ Automotive Conference at Zalazone... 2024-10-15 Our Experience at IConS 2024: Highlighting the Role... 2024-10-08 Recognition by NenoVision 2024-05-17 NEW SPECTRAL-CT IN THE ASSISTANCE OF SCIENTISTS AND... 2024-03-17 Installation of the Tescan VEGA3-EDS Microscope 2019-09-02 FENS Regional Meeting 2019-07-13 5th International Conference Archeometallurgy in Europe 2019-06-20 Installation of the AUROX Clarity spinning disc confocal... 2019-05-31 Annual Conference of the Hungarian Society for Microscopy 2019-05-07