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MIRA3 is a high performance SEM system which features a high brightness Schottky emitter for achieving high resolution and low-noise imaging. MIRA3 offers all the advantages that come with the latest technologies and developments in SEM; delivering faster image acquisition, an ultra-fast scanning system, dynamic and static compensation and built-in scripting for user-defined applications.

Its excellent resolution at high beam currents has proven to be especially advantageous for EDX, WDX and EBSD compositional analyses. The capabilities for imaging at low landing electron energies are further enhanced by means of the optional beam deceleration technology (BDT). The MIRA3 configurations include LM, XM and GM chamber sizes with optimised geometry capable of both low and high vacuum operations.

Key features:

  • High brightness Schottky emitter for high-resolution/high current/low-noise imaging
  • Unique Wide Field Optics™ design with a proprietary Intermediate Lens (IML) offering a variety of working and displaying modes, for enhanced field of view or depth of focus, etc.
  • Real-time In-Flight Beam Tracing™ for performance and beam optimization, which also allows direct and continuous control of the beam and beam current
  • Beam Deceleration Technology (BDT) for excellent resolution at low beam voltages
  • Excellent imaging at short working distances with the powerful In-Beam detector (optional)
  • All MIRA3 chambers provide superior specimen handling using a 5-axis fully motorized compucentric stage and have ideal geometry for EDX and EBSD
  • Optional extra-large chambers (XM, GM) with robust stages able to accommodate large samples including large wafers (6″, 8″, 12″) are also available
  • Numerous interface ports with optimized analytical geometry for attaching EDX, WDX and EBSD detectors and many others
  • Investigation of non-conductive samples in variable pressure modes
  • Several options for chamber suspension type ensure effective reduction of ambient vibrations in the laboratory
  • Non-distorted EBSD pattern