Unique analytical platform for large-volume sample characterization and maximum universality in sample preparation

TESCAN S8000X is the most versatile and universal analytical Xe plasma FIB-SEM platform in the market enabling large-volume sample characterization and Ga-free sample preparation and modification. The combination of field-free UHR enabled by the BrightBeam™ SEM column and the powerful yet precise milling capabilities delivered by the new iFIB+™ Xe plasma FIB column, make the TESCAN S8000X the ideal platform for planar delayering, low-kV SEM inspection, and electrical nanoprobing of sub-20 nm node technologies.  Physical failure analysis of semiconductor devices that require large-volume sample FIB-processing, such as large-area cross-sectioning in packaging and MEMS, and large-scale 3D micro-characterization of any material are also target applications of the TESCAN S8000X.

Key Features of TESCAN S8000X

  • NEW iFIB+™ Xe plasma FIB column
    • High ion beam currents enabling ultra-fast sputtering rates
    • Unmatched Field of View: 1 mm at 30 keV
    • Fast and precise piezo-driven beam aperture changer
  • BrightBeam™ UHR SEM column technology
    • Field-free ultra-high resolution SEM column for maximum versatility in sample analysis
    • Optimized in-beam detection system with improved detection efficiency and energy-filtering detection capabilities
    • Adaptive spot shape optimization for better performance at high currents
  • NEW Essence™ SW user interface
    • User-friendly interface
    • Application-oriented and customizable layout

Benefits of TESCAN S8000X

  • Gas-assisted Xe plasma FIB delayering and proven recipes
    The combination of dedicated proprietary gas chemistry with Xe plasma FIB makes it possible to conduct top-down planar delayering of sub-20 node technologies that are suitable for subsequent in-situ electrical nanoprobing. Our proven recipes guarantee excellent uniform planarity in windows that can be larger than 200 × 200 µm² and opened at any location on the chip.
  • Xe plasma FIB column with high ion beam currents and unmatched FoV enabling extremely large-area cross-sectioning
    The new iFIB+™ column enables a large field-of-view of 1 mm at 30 keV for smooth and easy sample navigation, and in combination with high currents, extra-large cross-sections in packaging technologies, MEMS, and other large semiconductor and optoelectronic structures can be completed with ease in short time frames. This is a concrete solution to simplify complex physical failure analysis workflows for both FEOL and BEOL processes.
  • Making the most of electron and ion beam capabilities
    The new OptiGIS™ is a fast, efficient and high-performance single gas injection system (GIS) essential in all your FIB applications. Up to 6 units can be fitted for maximum versatility and multitask configurations. Different proprietary gas chemistries for top-down IC uniform planar delayering are available.
  • Maximum precision and optimal FIB performance with ease
     The new iFIB+™ column is fitted with an ultra-stable HV supply and precise piezo-driven beam aperture changer allowing ultra-fast switching between FIB presets and high reproducibility. In addition, a semi-automated spot-optimizing wizard allows users to easily select the best beam spot that optimises FIB milling conditions for the particular application.
  • Ga-free sample preparation preserve physical properties of samples unchanged
     The inert nature of Xe ions prevents the formation of intermetallic compounds with atoms of the milled sample that can result in changes in physical properties of the specimen and, therefore, interfere with electrical measurements or sample micro-analysis.
  • Maximum surface sensitivity and versatility in sample characterization
               The BrightBeam™ SEM column delivers field-free ultra-high-resolution imaging with an excellent performance, especially at low beam energies. The electron optics design, in combination with an optimised detection system guarantees excellent electron signal collection even at ultra-low electron beam energies without relying on beam deceleration for maximum surface sensitivity and versatility in sample characterisation.
  • Enhanced surface sensitivity and maximum contrast
               Detection system with angle-selective and energy-filtering capabilities gives you complete control of surface sensitivity and the option to explore with different contrast.
  • Reliability and best conditions for microanalysis
               The BrightBeam™ SEM column comes with aperture optimisation resulting in improved resolution at high electron beam currents and beneficial for fast microanalysis. Thanks to the EquiPower™ lens technology, excellent column stability in time-consuming applications such as 2D and 3D microanalysis is guaranteed.
  • Enhancement of detection limits in TOF-SIMS analysis and no interference in the elemental spectrum (as opposed to Ga FIBs in which Ga+ peaks can interfere with the detection of other elements such as Ce, Ge and Ga itself).
  • Large wafer analysis
               Thanks to an optimal 70° objective geometry design, and a large chamber, SEM and FIB analyses of 8” wafers at any location are possible.
  • Complex applications easier than ever
               The new TESCAN Essence™ software platform is a simplified, multi-user user interface with a layout manager that enables fast and easy access to main functions. This user-friendly interface can be customized to best fit particular application, user skill level and preference. A wide range of SW modules, wizards and recipes make the FIB-SEM applications an easy and simple experience for both novice and expert users, thus boosting productivity and contributing to increase throughput in the lab. The new TESCAN Essence™ also offers the Advanced DrawBeam™ vector-based scanning generator for fast and precise FIB machining.