Ultimate resolution and excellent performance at low beam energies for nanocharacterization

The TESCAN S9000 is a powerful analytical tool for ultimate surface characterization of nanomaterials and sample micro-characterization. The TESCAN S9000 features the Triglav™ SEM column for ultra-high resolution with excellent performance, especially at low electron beam energies. It also includes an improved in-beam detection system with filtering electron signal collection capabilities that expands the possibilities to new contrasts and enhanced surface sensitivity. In addition, this microscope is fitted with a FE Schottky gun capable of generating high currents up to 400 nA, which coupled with an excellent performance and stability of the Triglav™ SEM column, provides the best conditions for microanalysis and lengthy applications for sample characterization.

It is the outstanding performance at low beam energies, and the variety of image contrasts, which make the TESCAN S9000 an ideal system for imaging all type of non-conductive samples, such as ceramics or uncoated biological specimens, as well as beam sensitive samples that are increasingly common in the semiconductor industry or research of new materials. The TESCAN S9000 is controlled by the new TESCAN Essence™ SW interface, designed with a user-friendly, application-oriented, customizable layout, and SW modules, all features aimed at maximizing control and throughput with exceptional ease.

Key features of TESCAN S9000

  • Ultimate resolution to resolve nanosized features
    The patented Triglav™ SEM column with proprietary triple objective TriLens™ provides best-in-class versatility. The extraordinary resolution delivered by the UH-resolution lens is ideal for detailed morphological characterization allowing researches to resolve nanosized features. A completely new high-resolution Analytical lens enables field-free imaging that is ideal for observing magnetic samples and used for analytical work (EDS, EBSD). A third objective lens enables a variety of display modes, and spot shape optimization that improves microanalysis.
  • Different image contrasts for maximum insight
    Triple BSE detection TriBE™ is for angle and energy selective signal collection. The Mid-Angle BSE and In-Beam f-BSE detectors are located inside the column and detect medium-angle and axial back-scattered electrons, while the in-chamber BSE Detector detects wide-angle electrons. The triple SE detection TriSE™ captures SE signal optimally in all working modes. The In-Beam SE detector inside the column enables detection of electrons at very short working distances. The SE detector for beam deceleration mode gives ultimate resolution in BDM while the in-chamber SE detector delivers excellent topographic contrast.
  • Improved and extended imaging capabilities
    The in-beam detection system in the next generation Triglav™ column has been optimized resulting in more than a three-fold enhancement of signal detection efficiency. In addition, the detection capabilities have been extended and energy-filtered axial BSEs signal collection is now possible. This makes it possible to explore with new contrasts to provide enhanced surface sensitivity by selectively collecting low-loss BSEs.
  • Best conditions for microanalysis guaranteed
    The new generation of Triglav™ also comes with adaptive spot shape optimization, which results in improved resolution at high electron beam currents. Such a feature is beneficial for fast analytical techniques such as EDS, WDS and EBSD. In addition, the Schottky FE gun is capable of generating beam currents up to 400 nA with rapid beam energy changes guaranteeing an excellent signal for all microanalytical applications.
  • Complex applications easier than ever
     The new TESCAN Essence™ software platform is a simplified, multi-user user interface with a layout manager that enables fast and easy access to main functions. This user-friendly interface can be customized to best fit particular applications and user skill level and preference. A wide range of SW modules, wizards and recipes make all SEM applications an easy and simple experience for both novice and expert users, thus boosting productivity and contributing to increase throughput in the lab.