RMC Boeckeler Cryo Attachment: LN Ultra

Sectioning of both biological and industrial materials can be achieved with the LN Ultra, a liquid nitrogen-cooled cryo chamber attachment for the Powertome.

Capable of holding temperatures down to minus 180°C, the stable environment of the LNUltra is perfect for sectioning and planing a variety of samples. These include rubber and soft polymers, biological cells and tissues, for example for immunolabelling using the Tokuyasu technique or CEMOVIS (Cryo Electron Microscopy of Vitreous Ice Sections).

In combination with the Powertome 3D, many sections can be trimmed and cut without tedious resetting, a time-saving benefit negating the need for realigning the sample and block.

Liquid Nitrogen consumption is very low so only a small, 12 liter Dewar is required. This can provide a stable sectioning environment for around seven hours, while saving your laboratory LN2 costs over more inefficient systems.

Operation Specifications of RMC Boeckeler Cryo Attachment: LN Ultra

Ultra-stable temperature range

+35 °C to -180 °C