RMC Boeckeler FS8500: Freeze Substitution System

Today, many labs run cryo workflows and sample processing under cryo conditions. These often yield superior structural morphology and improved immunolabelling over routine resin embedding.

The FS8500 can be used for the PLT technique (Progressive Lowering of Temperature) which does not require high pressure freezing and is a relatively inexpensive route into cryo preparation. It can, of course, be used in conjunction with a high pressure freezer. After which, processing can begin at minus 140°C, rising to minus 30°C for polymerization with the built in LED UV polymerization system, or to room temperature for embedding in other resins.

Operation Specifications of RMC Boeckeler FS8500: Freeze Substitution System

Temperature Range

-140°C to +50°C

Temperature Stability

Temp stability:+/- 0.5°C


Liquid Nitrogen