RMC Boeckeler PTXL: PowerTome XL

The Powertome is the only fully upgradable ultramicrotome, with the ability to take a PTXL, the routine workhorse and build it up to the PTPC research level system with computer control and video options. The customer has the choice of upgrading to a PC with or without the high-definition video package.

Both PTXL and PTPC can be upgraded to the PT3D for array tomography and cryo.

The PTXL is controlled via a digital tactile controller, eminently suitable for routine work. The Powertome is capable of accommodating glass knives up to 12mm wide, triangular tungsten carbide knives and any commercial brand of diamond knives.

Operation Specifications of RMC Boeckeler PTXL: PowerTome XL

Section thickness

5nm to 10 mm

Cutting Speed

0.1 to 100mm/sec in 0.1mm/sec increments

Variable return speed over entire cutting range

Specimen auto-feed


Knife Stage movement

  • 50mm gross advance
  • 25mm E-W travel
  • 12mm N-S advance

Knife Options

  • Glass knives up to 12mm wide
  • Triangular tungsten carbide knives
  • Any commercial brand of diamond knives