A unique combination of plasma FIB and field-free UHR FE-SEM for the widest range of multiscale materials characterization applications.
TESCAN AMBER X is a unique FIB-SEM solution that combines Xenon plasma FIB with field-free UHR FE-SEM, for applications requiring large-volume multiscale, multi-modal sample characterization and Ga-free sample preparation and modification. The combined attributes of fast yet sufficiently precise plasma FIB milling and field-free UHR SEM imaging, make the TESCAN AMBER X the preferred solution for characterization of materials in large (up to 1 mm in width) FIB cross sections; multiscale, multi-modal FIB-SEM tomography for 3D reconstruction and visualization of sample morphology; elemental chemistry and/or crystal orientation studies; and fabricating micro- and nano-structures, using the implantation-free ion beam, for subsequent testing or characterization by other analytical methods.
Key benefits of TESCAN AMBER X FIB-SEM
- iFIB+ Xenon plasma FIB column
- High ion beam currents up to 1 uA, for ultra-fast sputtering rates
- Resolution: < 15 nm
- Unmatched field of view: 1 mm at 30 keV
- Fast and precise piezo-driven beam aperture changer
- BrightBeam™ UHR SEM column technology
- Field-free ultra-high-resolution analytical SEM column for maximum sample versatility
- Resolution: 1.5 nm at 1 kV
- Optimized in-beam detection system with improved detection efficiency
- Adaptive spot shape optimization for optimized resolution at high currents
- NEW Essence™ SW user interface
- User-friendly interface
- Application-oriented and customizable layout
- Large cross section milling and polishing
Mill large cross sections of up to 1 mm width in as little as 3.5 hours. Polish the cross sections at lower ion beam currents, with the assistance of TESCAN’s proprietary rocking stage, which suppresses curtaining while also allowing in-situ monitoring during milling.
- FIB-SEM Tomography
AMBER X is the best suited solution for multiscale, multi-modal microstructure characterization. The plasma FIB supports fast milling and polishing., TESCAN’s patented geometry for static 3D EBSD data acquisition and embedded FIB-SEM tomography module, which supports a wide range of imaging and analytical detectors, add utility that makes tomography applications fast, precise and easy on the widest range of materials.
- Ga-free sample preparation
The inert nature of Xenon ions prevents the formation of intermetallic compounds with atoms of the milled sample that can result in changes to the physical properties of the specimen that would interfere with electrical or mechanical testing or sample micro-analysis.