Mountains optional modules

Different research and industrial projects require different tools and techniques. That’s why we offer optional add-on modules for each of our products.

Particle Analysis Module

A comprehensive toolset for detecting and analyzing particles, pores, grains, islands etc. on structured surfaces

Fiber Analysis Module

Analyze fiber morphology including diameter & direction in SEM images (SE and BSE modes), light microscopy images and on topographical data.

Critical Dimensions & Trenches Module

Calculate critical dimensions and characterize line edge roughness / line width roughness in semiconductor fabrication processes.

Contour Analysis Module

Basic geometric dimensioning & tolerancing of contour profiles & horizontal contours extracted from images & surfaces

Advanced Contour Analysis Module

Advanced dimensioning and tolerancing, DXF CAD-compare, Gothic arch and other advanced functions

Advanced Topography Module

Advanced studies, parameters & filters for 3D (“areal”) surface texture analysis

Advanced Profile Module

Advanced profile filtering, Fourier analysis, fractal analysis and statistical analysis of series of profiles

Automotive Module

Assess functional performance with a full set of profile parameters developed by the automotive industry

4D Surface Change Module

Analyze surface evolution with respect to time, temperature, magnetic field or another dimension

Thickness Analysis Module

Global or zone-specific interactive thickness characterization based on a pair of surfaces or profiles

Lens Analysis Module

Analyze or simulate aspheric surfaces and profiles and evaluate surface finish according to ISO 10110-8 in imaging systems, sensors and laser applications

Scale-sensitive Analysis Module

Multi-scale methods for analyzing geometric properties of surfaces and their scale derivatives (formerly in Sfrax software)

Fourier & Wavelets Module

FFT-based texture analysis, advanced FFT filtering, multi-scale analysis by wavelets

Shell Extension Module

Freeform surface management, complex shape analysis, high quality 3D visualization

Shell Topography Module

A metrological toolbox for shell data (freeform surfaces)

Shell CAD Compare Module

Efficiently and easily compare measured Shell data (actual) with CAD models (nominal) or generated meshes

Force Curve Analysis Module

Analyze force spectroscopy data: force curves (force-distance curves) and force volume. Measure adhesion events, nanoindentation and fit WLC models.

IV Spectroscopy Module

3D visualization and analysis of IV spectroscopy images and individual IV curve analysis (including CITS data)

Correlative Microscopy Module

Process spectral maps, correct and enhance spectral image data and perform correlative analysis

Spectroscopy Module

Visualize, process, analyze and correlate spectroscopic data: IR, Raman, TERS, EDS/EDX, XRF and more

Chemical Cubes Module

Full visualization & analysis of multi-channel cubes of compositional data

Lead Analysis (Twist) Module

2nd generation lead (twist) analysis for the automotive industry

Colocalization Module

Colocalize and adjust surface and image data from one or several instrument types