MountainsSpectral – Correlation and spectroscopy imaging

Correlation & spectroscopy analysis software for microscopy

Based on science’s most trusted analysis software platform, MountainsSpectral® is a comprehensive, dedicated solution for processing & combining images and other data from spectroscopic techniques including Raman, TERS, IR, nanoIR, fluorescence, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, EDX/EDS and XPS.
Process and enhance spectral maps – Quickly process and enhance images – Colocalize images and spectral maps for correlative analysis – Create high-quality 3D overlays – Perform full spectral analysis including pre-processing, band analysis, multivariate analysis and peak fitting – Load multi-channel cubes and visualize composition of materials in full 3D – Access particle analysis tools for spectroscopic data – Classify features and apply powerful statistical tools

30-day free trial

Try Mountains®10 software for free

Process & analyze spectra >>>

  • Get spectra ready for analysis: correct the base-line & filter to remove noise
  • Perform peak fitting
  • Perform multivariate analysis
  • Export to KnowItAll spectral database library

Process spectral maps >>>

  • Process Raman, cathodoluminescence, photoluminescence, fluorescence, EDX/EDS and EELS maps
  • Optimize rendering, palettes, color mixing and transparency

Process & enhance images >>>

  • Correct and enhance images obtained through spectroscopic techniques: apply smoothing filters, remove image artefacts, fix lighting and interactively adjust brightness and contrast.

Correlative Analysis >>>

  • Colocalize images and spectral maps from a single instrument or multiple instruments
  • Combine information from different sources into a single, multimodal dataset

Visualize 2D compositional data in 3D >>>

  • Create 3D visualizations of chemical maps by colocalization with microscopy images or topography data whenever available (TERS, confocal, SEM stereo reconstruction etc.)
  • Generate chemical maps with 3D-texture effects using single SEM images or optical microscopy images as backgrounds

See composition of materials in full 3D >>>

  • Associate 3D imaging & chemical analysis
  • Load 3D multi-channel cubes of compositional data (“chemical” cubes)
  • Visualize confocal Raman imaging

Mountains® core features

Select your product

KEY FEATURES MountainsSpectral® Premium MountainsSpectral® Expert MountainsSpectral® Analyze MountainsSpectral® Correlate
Instrument compatibility
Spectroscopic techniques: Raman, TERS, IR, nanoIR, fluorescence, photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence, EDX/EDS, XRF
Spectral map processing, enhancement & composition

Not compatible

Image correction & enhancement

Not compatible

Advanced processing & analysis of spectra

Not compatible

Topography analysis (i.e. based on AFM images)

Not compatible

Not compatible

Not compatible

High-quality overlays of compositional data on topography

Not compatible

Not compatible

Not compatible

OPTIONAL MODULES MountainsSpectral® Premium MountainsSpectral® Expert MountainsSpectral® Correlate MountainsSpectral® Analyze
Correlative Microscopy

Not compatible


Not compatible

Not compatible

Particle analysis



Not compatible

Multi-channel (chemical) cubes visualization & analysis



Not compatible

Fiber Analysis




Not compatible

IV Spectroscopy



Not compatible

Not compatible

Force Curve Analysis



Not compatible

Not compatible

Critical Dimensions & Trenches


Not compatible

Not compatible

Not compatible

Support for Shells (freeform surfaces)


Not compatible

Not compatible

Not compatible

Recommended optional modules

The following range of optional modules for advanced and specialized applications is available with the MountainsSpectral® range.

Chemical Cubes Module

Full visualization & analysis of multi-channel cubes of compositional data

Particle Analysis Module

A comprehensive toolset for detecting and analyzing particles, pores, grains, islands etc. on structured surfaces

Fiber Analysis Module

Analyze fiber morphology including diameter & direction in SEM images (SE and BSE modes), light microscopy images and on topographical data.

IV Spectroscopy Module

3D visualization and analysis of IV spectroscopy images and individual IV curve analysis (including CITS data)

Critical Dimensions & Trenches Module

Calculate critical dimensions and characterize line edge roughness / line width roughness in semiconductor fabrication processes.