LiteScope 2.5

Unique Atomic Force Microscope LiteScope 2.5 is designed to merge the strengths of AFM and SEM techniques, resulting in effective workflow and extending the possibilities of correlative microscopy and in-situ analysis that ware difficult or almost impossible by conventional instrumentation.

  • In-situ multimodal & correlative analysis
  • Optimized & time-efficient workflow
  • Ultimate performance inside SEM
  • Open-hardware design for easy customization 

Principal benefits of AFM-in-SEM

LiteScope AFM-in-SEM brings a unique value to correlative imaging. See what are the main advantages of combining AFM and SEM instumentation into one complex device. We offer three principal areas which bring extra value in comparison with using separate Atomic Force and Scanning Force Microscopes.


Correlative multimodal sample analysis

The complex sample analysis at nanoscale is the crucial point in the research process. However, the need for multiple analytical instruments to undertake the correlative analysis was complicating the overall measurement feasibility.

The introduction of the AFM-in-SEM technology via LiteScope changed this situation. Its unique method of multidimodal imaging (CPEM) enables simultaneous acquisition of the data from SEM and AFM, and their seamless correlation into 3D images. Thanks to LiteScope, you can correlate sample topography, mechanical, electrical, chemical and magentic properties.

On the image on the left you can see an example of the broad spectre of channels acquired during LiteScope measurement. All of these AFM and SEM channels were acquired in in-situ conditions and their immediate correlation in our NenoView software offers a unique complex information about different properties of the sample.

In-situ sample characterization

The need of in-situ analysis of sensitive samples was one of the principal impulses for designing the AFM-in-SEM LiteScope. Thanks to our innovative setup, it’s finally possible to perform both AFM and SEM analysis directly in the SEM chamber without exposure to ambient conditions. That means no risk of sample contamination.

As you can see on the picture on the left, LiteScope installed in the SEM chamber makes possible to measure in-situ induced sample modification and analysis of changes, be it mechanical, electrical, chemical or any other. All the measurements can be done at the same time, in the same place and under the same conditions.

Precise localization of the region of interest

Extremely precise and time-saving approach uses SEM to navigate the AFM tip to the region of interest, enabling its fast & easy localization

A nice example can be seen on the video on the left, showing that we were able to guide the AFM tip precisely to such a tiny nanostructure as spider silk wires.

In general, the principal problem while using separate AFM and SEM instrumentation occurs during the sample transfer between both instruments. In this case, it’s nearly impossible to navigate the AFM tip to the sample spot previously measured in the SEM.

With LiteScope, you don’t have to waste your precious time while trying to find that spot with your AFM tip. You’ll leverage our quick & straightforward solution!

LiteScope measurement modes

LiteScope AFM-in-SEM offers a wide range of measurement modes to examine different sample properties. Below you can find a list of AFM techniques we offer to complement your SEM measurements, based on our game-changing CPEM (Correlative Probe & Electron Microscopy) technology. CPEM represents a unique value of AFM-in-SEM correlative microscopy, assuring in-situ acquisition & simultaneous seamless correlation of AFM and SEM channels.

Mechanical modes


AFM surface topography allows high-resolution measurements of a wide range of samples. Different types of self-sensing cantilevers can be used. Measurements can be made in contact or tapping mode.

Energy Dissipation

Energy dissipation provides imaging of the local elastic properties of the material. An alternative to FMM, that provides similar information while requiring almost no change from the basic topography measurement setup.

Phase Imaging

Phase imaging is a technique used to map variations in surface properties such as elasticity, adhesion, and friction. It works as one-pass a technique which detects the phase between the probe driving signal and probe oscillation signal while maintaining the constant amplitude of the oscillations. 


A widely used method for material hardness characterization. LiteScope’s dedicated nanoindentation module from Alemnis enables local hardness and elasticity measurement with supreme control over experiment conditions inside SEM.

Electrical modes

Conductive AFM (C-AFM)

Conductive AFM provides a high-resolution local conductivity map of the sample. A bias voltage is applied between the tip, and the sample and the tip-sample current flow is measured during contact AFM topography measurement.

Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)

KPFM is a two-pass technique, estimating the local distribution of surface potentials. In the first pass, the topography in contact mode is measured. The probe is then lifted and repeats its trajectory in the second pass. The electrical interaction between the tip and the sample is then recorded without the influence of topography.

Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)

EFM maps electrical properties of a sample surface by detecting the electrostatic force between the surface and a biased AFM tip which provides useful, qualitative information on electric field gradients of a sample surface. 

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

STM allows researchers to map the conductivity of a sample‘s surface atom by atom with an ultra-high resolution providing a threedimensional profile of a surface. It enables researchers to examine many characteristics, including roughness and surface defects.

Electro-mechanical m.

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM)

PFM allows imaging and manipulation of piezoelectric material domains. This method measures simultaneously topography and mechanical response of the material to the applied alternating voltage. The amplitude and phase of the demodulated signal contain information about the local piezoresponse.

Magnetic modes

Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)

MFM maps the magnetic force gradient above the sample surface. Similarly to KPFM, the topography and magnetic signals are measured in two separate passes over each line.

Spectroscopy modes

Force-distance curves

F/z spectroscopy is a useful tool for precise local sample characterization. Spectroscopy is used for many purposes like a sample stiffness analysis, detailed surface-tip force progress or local elasticity/plasticity determination.

Spectroscopy modes

I-V curves

I-V curves give detailed information about the electrical properties of the sample. The AFM-in-SEM configuration provides precise tip navigation and other possibilities for experiment design.

Modules & Accessories for LiteScope

We have developed multiple modules that extend the possibilities of correlative analysis by LiteScope AFM-in-SEM. We also offer all the necessary accessories for the LiteScope AFM-in-SEM to provide a complete kit for in-situ analysis of samples.

Nanoindentation module

The Nanoindenter module developed with Alemnis allows LiteScope to quantitatively measure mechanical properties of the sample. The modular design ensures that LiteScope can be used in the standard way, providing a possibility to switch to a unique combination of a nanoindenter and AFM-in-SEM at any time.

Sample rotation

The sample rotation module for AFM-in-SEM LiteScope enables mounting several samples into the SEM chamber simultaneously and performing their AFM and SEM correlative measurements without opening the chamber. The rotation module is also extremely useful for FIB milling procedures followed by an AFM analysis.

Load-lock mechanism

Load-lock mechanism provides the possibility of loading samples and probes into LiteScope using a standard SEM air-lock / load-lock sample transfer system. ​

Load lock is an optional accessory for LiteScope, which enables quick and easy sample and/or AFM probe exchange without the need for disrupting the high vacuum in the SEM chamber.

The semi-automatic loading system consists of two adaptation arms:

  • The sample loading adaptor enables to load samples directly into LiteScope scan head by manual SEM transfer arm movement.
  • The probe loading adaptor enables to conveniently exchange the probe together with the probe holder.

Sample Transfer Module

The Sample Transfer Module for AFM-in-SEM LiteScope allows efficient, controlled environment analysis through a standard SEM Air-lock/Load-lock system.

This system offers flexible operation, allowing for manipulation through SEM transfer systems as well as manual insertion of samples. 

It is particularly adept at handling delicate materials such as battery components, enhancing the process without compromising sample integrity.


  • Fast and easy sample transfer
  • No air exposure
  • Compatible and Seamless integration
  • Compact design


Mount the scanning head to NenoCase to perform stand-alone AFM measurements out of the SEM chamber, with a option of combining it with a HD digital camera. There are different options for AFM-in-SEM correlative imaging! We can also provide stubs and other consumables.


MountainsSPIP® software

LiteScope is natively compatible with the MountainsSPIP® software by Digital Surf, based on industry-standard Mountains® technology and featuring the most popular SPIP™ (Image Metrology) interactivity and analytical tools. This unique software boasts a comprehensive set of professional tools, ensuring your research and analysis reaches unprecedented heights.


NenoCase + digital camera

NenoCase is a storage case that allows LiteScope to perform as a stand-alone device. It incorporates a passive anti-vibration system to ensure high-quality imaging outside the SEM chamber. NenoCase can be purged with different gases used for measurements under different atmospheres or in vacuum. Possible to deliver a whole set including high-resolution camera with stand.

Stubs & sample holders

LiteScope is compatible with most existing SEM stubs. Check with our team for the current availability.