TESCAN CLARA, Ultra-High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) takes materials characterization to the next level
Building on the technological success of the S8000 platform, the CLARA is an extremely versatile SEM designed with the needs of materials scientists in mind providing uncompromising performance across a vast array of different material types.
Achieving sub-nanometer resolution, the CLARA will reveal the finest details about the structure of your material. TESCAN’s unique Wide Field Optics™ allow you to quickly locate areas of interest at magnifications as low as 2x before zooming in to understand their makeup.
TESCAN CLARA also offers excellent resolution at low beam energies making it ideal for imaging beam sensitive and non-conductive samples. Excellent low energy performance also makes it ideal for surface topography measurements. TESCAN CLARA is the ideal choice for central analytical facilities and materials research labs that value not only low kV resolution, but also the ability to select secondary and backscattered electron contrast methods to explore the information that the sample may contain.
Next generation hardware and precision optics make the CLARA an asset for any central imaging facility, materials characterization lab or industrial inspection operation. The intuitive and modular user interface can be tailored to the needs of each operator, helping accelerate their individual workflows. Setup routines and optimal imaging conditions enable novice users to easily capture high quality images and bring higher end functionalities well within their reach.
Key benefits of TESCAN CLARA UHR SEM
- Unique In-Beam BSE detector designs allow filtering of signal based on energy and take off angle
Uniquely designed positions of the In-Beam BSE detectors allow simultaneous acquisition of BSE signal emitted from the sample at different “take-off” angles. The Axial BSE detector collects narrow-angle backscattered electrons while the Multidetector (BSE) collects mid-angle backscattered electrons. These two signals differ significantly. In the Axial BSE detector maximum material contrast is visible, while suppressing sometimes unwanted brightness artifacts caused by topography of the sample. In contrast, the Multidetector (BSE) collects mid-angle backscatterered electrons, generating images that exhibit both material contrast and topographic contrasts to highlight surface contours. The Multidetector includes an energy filtering grid, so SE signal and BSE signal can be energy filtered in order to enhance BSE contrast during the materials observation. - Excellent for imaging of beam-sensitive and non-conductive samples
The combination of the electron column design and the detection system results in excellent imaging performance at low-beam energies down to 50 eV without relying on sample bias, which is ideal for imaging all types of non-conducting samples without charging artifact or sample damage. - Fast setup of electron beam – optimal imaging and analytical conditions guaranteed
EquiPower™ lens technologies assure constant thermal power dissipation for excellent stability in time-consuming microanalysis. These technologies, in combination with real-time beam optimization, enable TESCAN CLARA to obtain high resolution images and analytical (EDS/EBSD) data at all beam currents. - Best conditions for microanalysis guaranteed
The new generation of Triglav™ also comes with adaptive spot shape optimization, which results in improved resolution at high electron beam currents. Such a feature is beneficial for fast analytical techniques such as EDS, WDS and EBSD. In addition, the Schottky FE gun is capable of generating beam currents up to 400 nA with rapid beam energy changes guaranteeing an excellent signal for all microanalytical applications. - Intuitive and precise live SEM navigation on the sample at low magnification without the need of optical navigation camera
Unique Wide Field Optics™ includes the proprietary dual objective lens configuration that enables an undistorted large field-of-view and a variety of imaging modes. Switching between modes is fast and easy and high to low magnification images are only one click away. - UHR Field-free characterization of materials at low beam energies for maximum topography
The BrightBeam™ SEM column delivers field-free ultra-high resolution imaging which guarantees maximum universality in sample analysis and allows ultra-high resolution imaging of magnetic samples. - Intuitive Essence™ software modular platform designed for effortless operation regardless of the user’s skill level
TESCAN Essence™ software platform makes microscope control easier than ever. A simplified and user oriented SW environment maximizes productivity of the SEM. Operators can easily access all functionalities via simple search functions or drag and drop the function at a display. Also, operators of all skill levels can easily change the SEM setup to a previous condition or navigate to previous areas. An advanced live-3D collision model prevents hazardous movements during sample movements.