Delong Instruments
Since 1992, Delong Instruments has been active in R&D of transmission electron microscopes, electron-opticsystems, electron guns and other high-tech devices in the field of micro and nanotechnologies. We focus on the development and production of low voltage TEMs LVEM 5 and LVEM 25 and Schottky electron gun DIGUN.
The company is also well-known for the unique customer and OEM solutions and as a supplier of customized special components made from the first draft up to the final device.
Low Voltage Benchtop Electron Microscope -Nanoscale from Your Benchtop
The LVEM 5 seamlessly combines 4 different imaging functionalities into one benchtop instrument, so samples no longer need to be displaced from one microscope to another.
Furthermore, switching between imaging modes is easy, with the click of a button the same area of interest of a sample can be imaged in TEM, SEM and STEM modes.

Key features of Delong LVEM 5:
- Powerful transmission electron microscope.
- The LVEM 5 combines transmission (TEM, STEM) and scanning (SEM) modes as well a selectron diffraction (SAED).
- It operates with low accelerating voltage (5 kV) which brings high contrast on light elements.
- Resolving power down to 2 nm.
- Biological and soft matter applications.
- High contrast without staining.
- Low accelerating voltage allows a very small optics column.
- The LVEM 5 can be installedon a regulardesk – small installation space needed.
- Itrequiresneither a darkroomnorcoolingwater.
- Specimen tilt holderavailability.
- Dual stage projector lens.
- Extended magnification range up to 700 000 times.
- Resolving power down to1.2 nm.
- Specimen tilt holder availability.
Nanoparticles: Quantify the size, shape and structure of nano particles of gold, polymers and quantumdots directly from the bench top.
2-Dimensional Materials: Quickly resolv esize, thickness and crystal structure of 2-dimensional materials such as graphene and silicon with higher contrast than conventional EM.
Nanotubes: Image single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with clarity and precision.
Low Voltage Electron Microscope
High Contrast & High Resolution. Unmatched contrast of biologic and light material samples. Image resolution as good as 1.0 nm. Meaningful results without the need for heavy metal staining. Equipped with TEM, STEM and ED imaging modes.

Key features of LVEM 25:
- Powerful transmission electron microscope.
- The LVEM 25 combines transmission TEM and STEM modes.
- It operates with low accelerating voltage (25 kV) which brings enhanced contrast on light elements.
- Resolving power down to 1 nm.
- Biological and soft matter applications.
- High contrast.
- Imaging possible both with and without staining.
- Easy to control.
- Small installation space.
- The LVEM 25 can be installed in an ordinary lab without any need for a dark room or cooling water. It can be supplied even as a mobile work-station.
- Specimen tilt holder availability.
Nanoparticles: Analyse shapes, structures and size distributions of various types of nanoparticles composed of silver, gold or polymers quickly and with contrasted clarity.
Nanotubes: Verify the quality and purity of nanotube materials. High contrast image results reveal detailed sample features.
Polymers: Understand the morphology and detect imperfections in the crystal line structure of polymeric materials with highly detailed and contrasted results.
The LVEM 25E is the All in One compact transmission electron microscope. It is versatile in that it combines 3 imaging modes with 2 analytical modes into one self-contained instrument. This advanced design combined with an impressive resolving power makes the LVEM 25E an exceptional partner for all your nanoscale imaging requirements. To request a detailed, no obligations quote today, simply click the button below and we will be happy to provide one for you.
Learn about the unique features that make the LVEM 25E Transmission Electron Microscope a great fit for any lab.

LVEM 25E Overview
Equipped with five imaging and analysis modes, The LVEM 25E will push research to the next level. Super-fast sample exchange and enhanced automation make the LVEM 25E a practical and easy-to-use tool for routine imaging applications. The LVEM 25E provides well-contrasted and highly detailed images from samples prepared with standard preparation protocols and provides the option to obtain the same level of detail with reduced staining.
The LVEM 25E provides the possibility to not only measure internal and external structures, but also to analyze the chemical composition of the sample, all in a single device. The advanced software assists the user by automatically setting column alignments and aperture positions.
Equipped with TEM, STEM, SEM, EDS and ED modes, the LVEM 25E provides users with a unique option to obtain multiple data results from one sample – you can easily switch between the imaging modes using the intuitive LVEM software.
Available modes:
TEM Mode
- Imaging in the 25kV TEM mode provides high frame rate, live imaging for well contrasted size, shape and structural measurements.
- Imaging at lower accelerating voltages with the 10 kV and 15 kV STEM modes provides even higher contrast levels and allows for analysing thicker samples.
Dark Field Mode
- Both TEM and STEM dark field modes make imaging samples easier on challenging backgrounds, crystalline planes, dislocations, DNA, etc.
SEM Mode
- The SEM mode (BSE) offers analysis of sample surfaces for understanding surface shape and texture.
ED Mode
- Electron diffraction allows for structural characterization of crystalline materials.
EDS Mode
- The EDS mode allows for analysing the chemical composition of the samples and creating element composition maps which can be overlaid with the STEM and SEM data.

Five imaging modes in one instrument
- Equipped with TEM, STEM, SEM, EDS and ED modes
- Easily switch between imaging modes via intuitive software
- Bright and dark field measurements in both TEM and STEM modes
- SEM mode (BSE) for surface measurements
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental analysis
- Electron Diffraction (ED) for understanding crystal structure
Fully integrated and portable design
- Extremely compact, space-saving and portable design
- Single-plug installation in nearly any laboratory environment
- No special facility requirements (no cooling, power or anti-vibration isolation needed)
High contrast and resolution for standard samples
- Unmatched contrast of biologic and light material samples
- Meaningful results with reduced staining
- Image resolution as good as 1.0 nm
- Designed for conventionally prepared samples
- Super-fast sample exchange
LVEM 25E Material Sciences Applications
- Nanomaterials
- Polymers
- Chemistry
- Combined Materials
- Pathology
- Virology
- Biochemistry
- Immunology and Oncology